
WebTop Mail Service

Global Mail configuration settings

Global configuration settings can be changed using the admin interface, as explained in the Global core configuration settings

Settings (defaults)

  • default.ingrid.preview [ true | false ]
    Activates row-preview in messages list. Internally defaults to false.
  • default.folder.drafts.deletemsgonsend [ true | false ]
    True to enable automatic deletion of drafts when sent. Defaults to false.
  • default.grid.message.time.showalways [ true | false ]
    Always display time value in messages list. Internally defaults to false.
    @since: 5.10.0
  • [ true | false ]
    Activate a view showing all upcoming events by default.
  • [ true | false ]
    Activate a view showing all upcoming tasks by default.
  • default.viewmode [ columns | compact ]
    Default view mode used in main messages list. Internally defaults to compact.
    columns: Classic view with columns.
    compact: Modern and single column that aggregates all info.
    @since: 5.6.2


  • attachment.maxfilesize [ size-in-bytes ]
    Maximum size for file attachments. Defaults to 10485760 (10MB).
  • message.replyall.stripmyidentities [ true | false ]
    False to disable (in reply to all) recipients removing if matching with user identities. Defaults to true.
  • message.edit.subject [ true | false ]
    Enable or disable the feature to edit subject of received emails. Defaults to false.
    @since: 5.5.1
  • auth.user.strip.domain [ true | false ]
    Do not append domain on mail user, even on schemes like ldap and AD. Defaults to false.
    @since: 5.7.8
  • acl.domainsuffix.policy.override [ strip | append ]
    Allows to override the following internal behaviour for handling domain suffix when applying IMAP ACLs:
    suffix is needed when authentication directory is AD or belongs to LDAP family (scheme starts with “ldap”).
    Set to strip to not use domain suffix, append to force it. This setting is NOT set by default.
    @since: 5.19.0
  • inlineable.mime.types [ mime-type, mime-type, … ]
    Comma separated list of mime-types for parts not to be considered as attachments when stated as inline.
    If empty or absent defaults to “image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png, text/plain, text/html”
    @since: 5.8.11
  • re.fw.sanitize.downlevel.revealed.comments [ true | false ]
    Apply downlevel-revealed comments sanitization during reply or forward. Defaults to false.
    @since: 5.14.1
  • idle.sharedinbox.enabled [ true | false ]
    Override internal default for enabling/disabling idle mode for shared inbox folders. Defaults to false.
    @since: 5.19.2
  • idle.favorite.enabled [ true | false ]
    Override internal default for enabling/disabling idle mode for favorite folders. Defaults to false.
    @since: 5.19.2

Sieve settings

  • sieve.port [ port ]
    The Sieve daemon port.

Proactive Security

  • pas.spam.threshold [ threshold ]
    Set the spam threshold value checked in spam headers. Defaults to 6.0.
    @since: 5.17.0
  • pas.dangerous.extensions [ extensions ]
    A comma separated list of extensions to be considered as dangerous attachments.
    Defaults to exe,bat,dll,com,cmd,bin,cab,js,jar
    @since: 5.17.0
  • [ domains ]
    A comma separated list of domains to be considered safe in external links.
    This list will be added to the predefined list instsalled as a jar file with the webapp.
    This jar file is usually distributed by the vendor.
    @since: 5.18.0

External Archiving

  • archiving.external [ true | false ]
    Enable or disable external archiving feature, both on the client and the server scripts. Defaults to false.
  • [ hostname ]
    The hostname of the server hosting the external archive.
  • archiving.external.port [ port ]
    The port of the server hosting the external archive.
  • archiving.external.protocol [ imap | imaps ]
    The protocol of the server hosting the external archive.
  • archiving.external.username [ username ]
    The username of the external archive account
  • archiving.external.password [ password ]
    The password of the external archive account
  • archiving.external.minage [ number-of-days ]
    The minimum age in days of mails to be considered for archiving. Defaults to 365*5.